Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stationery vs. Stationary

Please allow me to take a moment to express a pet peeve of mine.

1. writing paper.
2. writing materials, as pens, pencils, paper, and envelopes.
adjective, noun, plural -ar·ies. 
1. standing still; not moving.
2. having a fixed position; not movable.
3. established in one place; not itinerant or migratory.
4. remaining in the same condition or state; not changing: The market price has remained stationary for a week.
Stationery is what people write on, send in the mail, display at their weddings and events, and has been used as a means of long distance communication for quite some time now. Stationary is what I was this weekend on my annual camping trip. It doesn't so much annoy me in general, but when I see people who CREATE stationery as their means of employment spelling it wrong or using the wrong form, it drives me NUTS. I suppose there is some sort of explanation for why it makes me crazy - but without boring you with stories of childhood spelling bees, graduate classes in Literature, or hours poring over magazine copy, I'll instead direct your attention to this fabulous etsy find:

This particular listing has been sold (last month), but if you love it as much as I do, if you ask nice perhaps the seller will make another one just for you.
*Incidentally, while you're there, take a look around at shopsaplingpress's other items - many of them made me laugh out loud.

Some of my favorite etsy listings this week:

and finally...
...even though people think Labor Day marks the end of the summer season, it actualy extends til almost the END of September! So my free shipping still applies until September 22nd if you use coupon code SUMMERSHIP at checkout!


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